T'manu Nunh

Warrior-Chieftain of the Island Talons

"Take one step closer, outsider, and you will learn why they call us Talons."

Basic Information

Patron Deity:
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Island Talons of the Condor Tribe
Warrior-Chieftain, Totemist
Condor (tribal), Shark (aumakua)
T'iolani Hiapo (Partner)

Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun
156 lbs
Auburn with blonde highlights
Light Brown


T'manu stands at 5 fulm, 8 ilm even, with a fierce gaze and a warrior's bearing. His auburn hair is flecked with blonde highlights, and he keeps the thick locks tied into a braid, while letting what remains hang loosely before his face. His ears are absent the blonde, colored auburn and marked by exposure to the hot sun. A small patch of facial hair frames his chin and jaw. He bears the face markings common among his people under his eyes and on the bridge of his nose, and as chieftain, ma-huko tataus adorn his cheeks and forehead. A long scar runs through his right eye, and another smaller scar marks his left lower cheek. His long tail is covered with coarse and full hair, and it sways behind him with purpose.
A consummate warrior, his form is firmly with toned muscle, skin marked with a myriad of scars and other mementos of battle. His hands and feet are calloused, earned from a youth spent climbing the jungle trees of Eastern La Noscea and training in spearmanship and the arts of war. Ma-huko tataus mark the skin across his torso, including his arms, back, and chest, with geometric tribal designs that evoke the jungles of his home and the traditional totemic imagery of his Seeker sept.He is clothed almost always in his tribal garb, made from the hides of jungle beasts and woven with furs, bones, and beads. Upon his torso he wears an armored vest adorned with tribal designs, befitting his station as warrior-chief. His form is further protected by pauldrons and faulds, each fashioned in the same traditional style of the Island Talons. At his waist hang a pair of condor feathers, a symbol of his people's totem. His arms are wrapped in leather and fur, and he wears breeches of the same craft upon his legs. Armored leather boots stretch to his knees, and the soles are reinforced to allow for swift movement through the jungle trees. Bone earrings hang from his ears, a complement to the engraved bone necklace he wears around his neck. Several hand-crafted beads and totems are woven into his hair, each one has carefully hand-carved as the last.His weapon of choice is the spear, both haft and head crafted from the enchanted verdantwood of his home, strong enough to stand against the sturdiest of metal blades. The wood is carved with tribal imagery and it is never far, either in hand or slung across his back.

Forthright, commanding, and stern, T'manu is a man marked by the weight of his station, but there are few who stand as proudly as he. His words are always carefully considered, for they carry not only his voice, but the voice of all Island Talons. He guards his emotions carefully, and lets his guard down only to those he trusts and when among his people. As a warrior, he is brave and as a chieftain, he is discerning.
Like many Island Talons, he is a firm believer in the importance of the natural world, and fights as much to protect his jungle home as he does his people. For as many battles he has had with the great beasts of the jungle, he has had many more with poachers and despoilers who dare encroach upon his territory.As chieftain, he holds the traditions of his people paramount. He is a devout follower of Azeyma, which his people view as a fiery guardian of the jungles and its domains. His survival and hunting instincts are second-to-none, and he prefers the shroud of forests and jungles to the walls of the city.


  • Peak Physiology - Like most Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te, T'manu has a natural keen strength, heightened agility, and relentless stamina. However, thanks to his intense training and continued exercise routines amidst the jungle trees, he has honed his body to a pinnacle of physical perfection. His strength, stamina, and agility can seem almost preternatural to some, and he can move with impressive speeds.

  • Master Combatant - As Warrior-Chieftain, T'manu is the Island Talon's deadliest warrior, a master of the traditional hunting spear known as the 'taiaha', a weapon known for its symbolism as a weapon of authority. He is also highly skilled in the usage of the hunting bow and a type of war club lined with shark teeth, a traditional Island Talon weapon. He is as formidable in combat when unarmed, a master of traditional Island Talon martial arts and wrestling.

  • Totem Magics - In addition to his position as Warrior-Chieftain, T'manu is known to his people as a 'totemist', sacred mystics and warriors that channel the fury and cunning of totem spirits in battle. These magics primarily manifest as elemental evocations used in tandem with their weapons, allowing them to channel the might of nature's primal elements.

  • Leadership - T'manu is a forthright and discerning leader, possessing a natural ability to lead in both daily life and in battle. His natural presence often inspires devotion in his people and he is well-learned in the ancient traditions of leadership and wisdom passed down from one Warrior-Chieftain to the next.

  • Indomitable Will - T'manu was born with a fierce strength of will and possesses a determination that is nigh unstoppable. He is able to press on when others might not, and withstand the detriments of physical and mental strain.

  • Woodcraft - Trained from a young age in survival craft of his village, he is a master survivalist and highly trained in foraging, tracking, hunting, and herbalism. He is adept at surviving in harsh environs, particular those of deep forests and jungles.

RP Hooks

  • T'manu is the Warrior-Chieftain of the Island Talons, a sept of the Condor Tribe that lives amidst the jungles of Raincatcher Gully. He succeeded his father in the position, and belongs to a ruling bloodline that stretches back many years.

  • Though his first priority is always his people and their territory, he is not unaccustomed to traveling beyond the jungle when necessary. He has made his presence known in Limsa Lominsa, and will visit other areas of Eorzea on emissary missions to other Seeker tribes.

  • He is the Island Talon's most skilled warrior, a master of spear combat and a totemist, a sacred warrior that blends martial combat fighting style with nature magics.

  • He is said to be a gifted storyteller, though few have had the privilege to hear him tell a tale around a campfire.


T'iolani Hiapo

High Priestess | Romantic Partner

As High Priestess of the Island Talons, T'iolani has the second most important position within the sept, charged with guiding religious ceremonies and interpreting messages left by Azeyma. She is also a skilled huntress and leader of the guardians that protect the verdantwood cave.With tradition naming the High Priestess as counselor to the Warrior-Chieftain, T'iolani and T'manu grew into their roles alongside one another. This closeness blossomed into attraction and romance, and each counts the other as their sworn partner.


Hello! Thanks for giving my page a look!I'm almost always up for some RP - especially if my RP tag is on! I'm a pretty friendly player, and though T'manu may seem intense at first, he is friendly once you get to know him! New friends and contacts are awesome, and don't be afraid to approach me for RP. If you want to RP, but are too shy to initiate, let me know and I'll make it happen.I enjoy all sorts of RP, but I very much enjoy character-driven stories and establishing long-term bonds with other characters! I'm open to all sorts of contacts - old friends, rivals, family, fellow Island Talons or Condor Tribe, and whatever else.That all said, I'm not a fan of godmoding or harm coming to T'manu without my consent, and I'm not so much into random combat.